
Author - Shamanta Cruz

Houseplants for Beginners-Tips and Tricks

So you are thinking about getting into houseplants? You are not alone; the year 2021 could very well be regarded as the “year of the houseplant”- among other things. With the onset of the coronavirus and the nationwide stay-at-home order, people (and by people I mean millennials, for the most...

DIY Beach Terrarium

Looking for another green DIY project? SuperMoss has got you covered! This time, it's terrariums! Terrariums are miniature gardens, often times planted in glass bowls or recycled vessels. They are mostly self-sustaining, therefor they require very little maintenance.  Terrariums also make an excellent addition to just about any countertop or office...

How to Make Your Own Moss Wall

Moss walls have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are a great addition to almost any home, adding a touch of lush greenery to a once simple room. Moss Walls are also an example of biophilic design, which is the unique approach of connecting humans with nature within the...