

Beach Terrarium Kit

Imagine bringing the tranquil beauty of the beach into your living space with a stunning beach terrarium adorned with vibrant succulents. These miniature ecosystems capture the essence of sandy shores, gentle waves, and coastal charm, all while requiring minimal maintenance. In this blog, we'll explore the wonderful world of beach...

Forest Terrarium Kit

Step into the enchanting world of forests right from the comfort of your home with a captivating forest terrarium filled with lush plants and ferns. These miniature woodland ecosystems transport you to a serene and verdant setting, offering a slice of nature's tranquility within a glass enclosure. In this blog,...

How to Make Your Own Bottle Garden- DIY Closed Terrarium

Did you know that a closed terrarium (a bottle garden with an airtight seal) can essentially sustain itself with minimal to no care at all? The idea of creating your own self-sustaining ecosystem in a bottle is quite fascinating. Think of it as a mini greenhouse. Where open terrariums can...

The Complete Guide to Activated Charcoal in Horticulture

Activated charcoal is a soil amendment widely used in the horticultural industry. It has great absorbing and neutralizing capabilities which make it excellent for improving soil health. The benefits of activated charcoal was actually discovered by the Amazonian people, almost 1,500 years ago. Scientists found that these people used char...

How to Make Succulent Mandalas

Propagating succulents is such a rewarding process. The thought of a whole new plant growing from just a single leaf is pretty incredible. Better yet, you can even turn succulent leaf propagations into a mandala-like design with our new Propagation Trays. In this article you will learn how to propagate...

The SuperMoss Guide to Moss

There are so many mosses and so many ways to use them! Because of that, we have created an infographic that explains what our mosses are like, what they are best used for, and a little bit about where they come from. Whether you are crafting, creating a floral arrangement...