
How to Arrange Roses in Floral Foam

How to Arrange Roses in Floral Foam

How to Arrange Roses in Floral Foam

Posted by: Cindy Moss Category: How To's, Plant Styling Tags: ,


Arranging roses in floral foam is an easy way to use our SuperMoss Deco Baskets.

To follow along with these steps, you will need the following materials:


  1. Floral Foam (make sure it is for fresh flowers)
  2. A SuperMoss Deco Basket of your choice. For this How-to we used our Miramonte Deco Basket 🙂
  3. A sharp knife or something to shape the foam
  4. Roses and any other desired embellishments (such as ribbons or Moss)


Step 1: Cut and shape the floral foam according to the size of the basket. Soak the floral foam in water for at least 15 minutes, or until it is fully saturated. Once the foam is saturated, trim it to fit securely in the container.


Step 2: Trim dry and excess leaves off of the stem. Then cut the roses to adjust the height according to the floral foam and basket.


Step 3: Begin by inserting the largest flowers into the foam first, placing them in a way that creates a pleasing overall shape. Fill in any gaps with smaller flowers and greenery.


Step 4: Continue to build up the arrangement with the rest of your flowers making any further cuttings necessary.


Step 5: Fluff and style your arrangement by opening up any closed-off roses.


And you’re done!

Pro tip: When soaking your floral foam, including the packets of flower food in the water you use for soaking 🌿